It’s the last day of our 2013 calendar, and I and my family are getting ready to visit friends and play lots of games (as we often do to commemorate New Year’s Eve and Day). But there are still a few holiday RPG goodies in the bottom of this year’s bag, so let’s dig them out!


Adventure Seed – The Christmas Robbery is a plot seed for Mongoose’s Traveller RPG that features the characters, and factions surrounding a Christmastime bank heist – you supply the players, and the hooks to get them involved in the story. This adventure seed package is a Pay What You Want product, which means that you get to decide the price (But please be generous! It’s the holidays!)

Get The Christmas Robbery at DriveThruRPG.

Next up – It wouldn’t be Christmas without some Krampus, would it? Xion Studios brings our favorite holiday demon to the Mutants & Masterminds system with Acts of Villainy – The Krampus!

“Locked away in another dimension until the last month of every year, The Krampus has been set loose on the world yet again! Lock your doors and bar your windows, for he’s on the hunt for naughty boys and girls all around the world and has picked the heroes city for this year’s pickings! The Krampus, only in Acts of Villainy: Solo #53 and only only 99¢!”

Get your copy of Acts of Villainy – The Krampus at RPGNow.


Finally, there’s something for the kids! Yuletide Journey is an adventure for Hero Kids, an excellent introductory RPGs for young people. In this adventure, the kids must bring a tribute to Father Odin to regain his favor, and to keep the sun’s light from fading. This package includes character cards, maps, and paper miniatures for the heroes and their adversaries.

Get your copy of Yuletide Journey at DriveThruRPG.


And that does it for this year’s 1d12 Days of Christmas! I hope everyone had a great 2013, and here’s hoping that 2014 will be filled of all new adventures!

CAH-paranormal entities of holiday presentThe Paranormal Entities of Holiday Present is an adventure for the shiny new edition of Cartoon Action Hour, the radical RPG of 80s action adventure cartoons. The Ghost Patrol has been especially busy cleaning up some spectral nasties when one of them realizes that they may have trapped some ghosts that were really supposed to be left to roam and haunt some of the greedy folks on Christmas Eve!

I highly recommend CAHS3 as an excellent rules-lite RPG that truly captures the essence of the 80s cartoon genre. But if you prefer, you could easily port this adventure over to another 80s-era RPG that is centered around slapstick paranormal investigators. Just sayin’.

Get your copy of The Paranormal Entities of Holiday Present at DriveThruRPG!

I’m not sure how I missed this on Gnome Stew when it was first posted, but I’m glad I caught it through a more recent post – John Arcadian explains The 3-3-3 Approach to Quick Game Prep. It sort of reminds me of Dr. Rotwang!’s  Adventure Funnel, another great tool for prepping adventures quickly.

Both are awesome, and you should definitely print them out and put them in your RPG binder for future reference, as I have done.


Epic Christmas adventure! And like any good gift, it's free!

It’s here! Another completely random day of the 1d12 Days of Christmas! As you reach into Santa’s Bag of Holding, you pull out…

It Happened One Christmas, a free adventure for one of my favorite RPGs of all time – Faery’s Tale, from Firefly Games. In it, Father Christmas enlists the aid of some of the fair folk to help a village that has come under a terrible curse from a a nasty prince. It even includes a new faery type (Christmas Elves) for the characters to play.

The adventure is a bit on the short side, but could easily be beefed up – in fact, a section at the end contains several suggestions for extending the story. One of them even gets Old Man Winter involved, and I can think of a bunch of other characters from Christmas lore (*cough*Krampus*cough*) who fit right in to the story.

If you have young people who are interested in trying out roleplaying (or you’re interested in gettting them interested), Faery’s Tale is an excellent choice for an introductory game, and this adventure would be great as their first one ever.

Or you can play it with all grownups. It’s okay. No one will judge you. We’re all friends here.

Download it from Firefly Games right here: It Happened One Christmas